Pet Scams

The coronavirus pandemic, confining individuals to their homes, has resulted in a surge in pet adoption requests as people seek companionship and relief from loneliness. Unfortunately, scammers are capitalizing on this demand, preying on innocent individuals and exploiting their emotions.

Many fall victim to the allure of a cute furry friend, only to lose significant amounts of money before recognizing the deception. It is crucial to remain cautious and informed to avoid falling into the traps set by these pet scammers.

How Pet Scam Works

Pet shopping scams, a prevalent issue in the online space, involve cybercriminals and scammers creating counterfeit advertisements of legitimate pet-selling websites to deceive unsuspecting individuals. When users click on these enticing ads displaying pictures of adorable pets, they are redirected to the scammers’ fraudulent websites posing as genuine pet dealers. The scammers engage with the customers, refraining from any meet-ups and instead sending stolen photos and videos of the desired pets to maintain the illusion.

To execute the scam, the fraudsters convince the customers to make various payments, such as insurance, pet health check-ups, shipping fees, crates, and food, claiming these are necessary for completing the pet adoption process. These payments are cleverly designed to be non-refundable, leaving the customers trapped and losing their money without any possibility of reimbursement. Staying cautious and verifying the legitimacy of pet sellers is crucial to avoid falling victim to these deceitful pet shopping scams.

How to spot a pet scam

Here are a few signs to watch out for to save yourself from all the pet scams out there:

  • The prices of these dogs or cats are often listed at a very less rate than what the breeds normally cost. This is the first and foremost sign to look out for to avoid scams. To lure more and more customers in, the scammers may also quote the pet at no cost and only ask the customers to pay for the shipping cost.

  • Another major thing to look out for is the emails provided by the so-called sellers. These emails are often filled with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Always read the emails carefully to ensure that you are not in a scam.

  • The seller in such cases will not ask for money through several ways but only money transfer. This is another trick used by most scammers to ensure that they are not traced by the police or the cyber police. They also do not agree to meet-ups or giving the cash in person. They may give lame excuses or makeup scenarios to avoid the meetings in such cases.

  • Another thing to look out for in the case of pet scams is that the seller holds up the shipment due to many reasons and continues to ask for money. This is also a major red flag for the customers.

How to Avoid Pet Scams?

When purchasing or adopting a pet online, it is essential to remain vigilant and watch out for warning signs. Verify the seller’s legitimacy by thoroughly examining their methods and claims. Double-check all the information provided and arrange a meeting with the seller before finalizing the pet adoption. 

If you have fallen victim to a pet scam or suspect fraudulent activity, report it to us promptly. Our team will promptly assist you in finding the best solution to recover your money

Stay informed by exploring more reviews and information about scams. Keep reading to stay safe!


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